Written by: Thriven.

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We are all familiar with Apple’s laptop Macbook. For those who aren’t here is a brief idea, MacBook Air, Macbook and MacBook Pro are Apple’s versions of laptop. No one addresses it as a laptop actually, everyone calls it a Mac or Macbook. If you own a Macbook then you just have a Macbook not a laptop. These are really expensive like reaaaalllly expensive, a basic version of Macbook costs around 1 lakh, you want some accessories? Well guess what Apple gives you a lot of accessories for free until you pay more money. Prices of high end versions, could touch the sky, get upto 4lakhs. These laptops are not meant for playing games cause they do not have powerful graphic cards,instead they are so soft that you can use it as a mouse pad for gaming, so thats an advantage for the MAC. But these laptops are very useful for content creators(video or photo editors), consuming multimedia and even programmers. Now coming to main part USER EXPERIENCE these are the best in class except for gamers. MacOS is the operating system installed on a Macbook and personally I prefer mac os over Windows.

Lets talk about the pros as well as some cons:

PROS: There is 0 lag, the UI is very fluid and attractive. Excellent RAM management. Many people who think of getting a laptop prefer Windows because they think they are smart and no they are not(No Offence to the readers). MacOS is easy to use compared to Windows. It has very clean file system, installing and removing apps or softwares is so simple as in a smart phone. Apple’s IOS has a huge impact on people in choosing MacOS over windows. Coming to the hardware Macbooks have the best speakers compared to laptops of any other brands. Display is of great quality. Rendering times in Video editing and photo editing are less even in basic Macbook versions.

CONS: As I already said Macbooks are very expensive. Any repair could cost you 0 to 40k Rupees. The processors of the basic max versions are not that powerful but we cannot totally rule them out. If you want powerful processors then pay more money to apple, See its really simple. Storage upgrades are expensive too, cause why not, after all its their product right?. The expensiveness is the main reason why people choose windows over mac.

In the End:

Macbook is a great laptop. We can cut down the cost if we are able to adjust with a External hard disk. I would say MacOS is between Windows and Linux with windows being worst. You can get a lag free experience like linux, great UI and good security and ofcourse some popularity among your friends, that apple provides you for free.

Until next post PEACE ;)