This is how me looks:

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Me is basic human do basic program and live a basic life.So yeah pretty much about me is basic, and by the way i am no “SPOCK” from star trek, my original name is SHELDON COOPER, just kidding my real name is Appannagari Karthik or you could call me AK, however I would like to change my name to SHELDON, but lets save that for the future.

Now lets get to the point:

I really like to write code and I am a hardcore gamer.I dont know when I started writing code but I remember my first short program being printf(“Hello World”) and I wondered what this one statement could do because I did not run it yet, and thats how my journey started. I started playing with that single statement and then the donkey became a dolphin (lame reference but still works). As Steve Jobs once said “Every donkey should learn how to code, it makes them think”, thats not actually what he said , this is what he said “Everyone should learn how to code, it makes them think” so I started coding. Whenever I wrote code it felt like I achieved something and this achieving something turned into an obsession, so I wrote and wrote small programs , applications and also built some basic html pages. This was all happening in the 11th grade and then came 12th and I stopped coding completely, however I survived my 11th and 12th(if thats what you’re wondering) and then joined into a university and started to write code again.

I basically wrote code in C and C++ but i did not understand where I was going with it or what was I actually going to accomplish by programming or learning to code? and this pumped up my interests in writing to the maximum achievable limit(and believe me that limit is infinite).Everything I ever learnt about programming is completely by myself(i want to thank myself for that ‘patting myself on the back right now’), thanks to google,discord and stack overflow for providing me the knowledge required and also special thanks to GITHUB. I was also really interested in developing mobile apps,games and also websites cause they help you visualise your thoughts,its like provding a painter with an empty canvas to paint, this thought made me dive into creating beautiful websites and apps.


There are no significant achivements in my life(told you ma life was basic) but I was striving to create something beautiful and interesting.

anyways I’ll list a few things that I think I have achieved:

  • The first UI/UX design for a website that I ever created, was actually featured in a youtube channel, you can check it out here(skip to 3:23 for my entry).

  • I worked on a website at ECIL hyderabad that lets you vote on your smart devices or even laptops, it was based on adhaar cards.It did not go well but me and one more guy worked on it for a month.

  • I created a space shooter game entirely using JAVA but never actually finished it because I did not have the required hardware and my laptop was on its death-bed(but now I got it-the hardware).

  • I worked on some interesting websites like an e-commerce bike site and a fan-based community for WARFRAME(its a game).

  • I participated in 2 game jams on, one was hosted by Brackeys follow this guy if you want to learn UNITY. I dont remember the 2nd one.

  • I built 2 bots for discord using PY and the API provided by discord. One of them is used to handle a server and the other one is used to grab player information from the game CLASH ROYALE.

What am i doing right now??:

I am currently working with a bunch of nerds/people-who-code to build a better delivery system and its called SPEEVE for which I am designing and developing a company site as well as a mobile app using FLUTTER.

I also plan to build a 2d adventure game like pokemon or swordigo using UNITY/UNREAL this year and try to publish it on I am preparing myself for the biggest game jam LUDAM DARE 46 which starts in 16 days. Visit the site If you want to check it out.

What other interests do i have??:

I really like playing games and I always try to understand the mechanics fully, like how the game works, what are all required to build something similar to it and how its all pieced together. My favourite game is of course MINECRAFT and I sometimes play CS GO and I aim on building replica’s for both these games.

Sketching is what I do in my free time, I love to draw you can check out my gallery for some of my sketches. Everytime I feel like I am down or disappointed in my miserable life(just kidding, my life is beautiful) I turn to POP and some HIP-HOP music(only EMINEM by the way). Sometimes I like to play keyboard and interpret some of my mediocre music creating skills and sometimes I also try to write lyrics(which never worked for me by the way). I am currently learning a classical string instrument called VEENA.

BIG BANG THEORY, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, RICK AND MORTY , MONEY HEIST and THE MENTALLIST are some of my favourite tv shows and also GOT. Reading murder mystery novels is another thing that I am really interested in doing.When I am literally bored of all other things I start designing stuff in BLENDER.

About the Blog:

This blog is what I developed during my quarantine period. I’ll mostly be posting some stuff about coding and I promised myself that I would write blog posts that help people improve their coding skills. I’ll be sharing what is happening with me so that you can learn from my experiences.So to keep it inetresting I’ll also be posting some fun posts that are related to technology and life.

Thats all about me, PEACE ;)